About Asociația Patronală a Industriei ușoare (APIUS)

Consolidating the fashion industry in Moldova


The Light Industry Employers Association (APIUS) represents the community of local producers of clothing, knitwear, leather goods, footwear and accessories and is dedicated to the competitive development of the light industry, addressing the needs of the private sector, state support and the experience of similar professional organizations.

Since 2012 the association has consolidated its capacity with the support with strategic partners USAID, Sweden, UK Aid and CBI. Since 2014, APIUS has strengthened its collaboration and partnership with the Investment Agency of Moldova, obtaining support for accessing over 40 exhibitions and international fairs.

On November 6, 2016, the Republic of Moldova, represented by APIUS, became a member of the European Fashion Council (EFC).

Currently, APIUS members cover all segments of the light industry activity: women’s & men’s clothing, children’s clothing, lingerie, footwear, leather goods and accessories.


The mission of APIUS is to represent, promote, support and defend the common economic, technical and legal interests of the members, representatives of the light industry, by increasing their competitiveness on the local and international market.


Our vision is to cre­ate a stronger fash­ion industry in Moldova by raising the added value of local fashion products, and giv­ing inde­pen­dent labels, cre­ators and manufacturers the tools and skills to devel­op their busi­ness in a glob­al­ized world.

Strategic directions

Annual Reports

The Team

The Board